Friday, December 19, 2008

Goal: a post a day

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sunday was more entertaining in the telling than the experience itself.

I made bread in the breadmaker, but the yeast was evidently too old to rise properly and it came out like a brick. Toastable, but a brick. I stewed some lamb in the crockpot and was pouring the whole thing into a pan on the stove to which I would add vegetables, when something went awry and half the liquid poured out all over the stove and floor. Bridget called it a Julia Child catastrophe moment. Appalling, but everything tasted great. Except, of course, for whatever hit the floor.

While the bread was mutating and the lamb was as yet unsavaged, I dashed out to get a wall calendar -- now that they're all half price. I took the A to 59th and went to Borders. The only calendars there were about dogs, airplanes, and Lord of the Rings. I walked up to Barnes & Noble. It was on fire and they wouldn't let me in, though I couId see quite clearly that the place where the calendars were wasn't burning at all -- or even smoking. Discouraged, I went across the street to the Folk Art Museum and found the perfect calendar on sale for $3.00.

All in all, a reasonably successful day.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Monday, November 27, 2006

Vendor on Fifth Avenue

Dovovan and Trains


Monday, November 13, 2006

It was soooooooooo easy.
And, uh, that's apricot preserve on top.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Night Before Halloween

Coming back from CNR last night, I crossed the street, and walked to the bus stop. Quiet night.
As I waited, 2 large SUVs collided at the intersection and flew up onto the very curb where I'd been standing with another person -- car doors, hoods, and side panels peeling back like crushed paper. Awesome.
Luckily, no one was standing there at the time -- and no one seemed to be injured in either SUV.
A very old woman beside me started yelling about how "they give those drivers' tests in 11 different languages!"
The bus came and all was well.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sweet Tired Cat

While I agonize over what I'll write about Masonic's CD -- the one with the excellent cover -- this will cheer you up.