Friday, October 06, 2006

Santa? Baby Jesus? The Antichrist?

  • The End of the World As They Know It

  • What do Christian millenarians, jihadists, Ivy League professors, and baby-boomers have in common? They’re all hot for the apocalypse.
    By Kurt Andersen

    Okay. Enough. Time for a sauna, a swim,

    . . . and a brownie. Why are there no people in these pictures?


    At 2:05 PM, Blogger pez said...

    There are no people at Bruno because NYU is back in session and we are all hiding from [fear]TEH STUDENTS[/fear]!!!

    At 7:30 AM, Blogger Tenley Williams said...

    . . . and that's why we're not there, come to think of it.


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