Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 - The Televsion Special

"We are safer but we are not yet safe," advises George Bush. Are we a nation of six-year-olds? How will we know when we're finally safe? and from what? and does more safety include health insurance? I couldn't watch the commerative not-celebration of that terrible day. With the construction plans still the stuff of argument and anguish after five years . . . . and we are safer, but not yet safe. Stay awake until everything is quiet. Read about revolution in Cuba; dream of les cyprès in Aix. Tomorrow is
September 12.

Picture by Lyndon Wong


At 7:06 PM, Blogger pez said...

Ugh, I didn't even turn the TV on... Didn't feel like watching self-absorbed celebrity talking heads compete for the most emotional exploitation/ad $$$.

At 7:15 PM, Blogger Tenley Williams said...

Well said, Pezlet.

At 7:22 PM, Blogger pez said...

Hi mom! I want to come back to NYC... LA blowz when you can't cruise Seuplveda on your own.


At 7:30 PM, Blogger Tenley Williams said...

Get back here! Right now!
I just bought paint for Vessko's room and for the living room. I tried a sample jar of something called "Sunshine" yellow on part of a wall in the middle hall -- and it's GHASTLY! Like a crayon. Horrible. So, I going with shades of gray/green -- and something called "Veiled Frost."

At 3:01 PM, Blogger pez said...

Omigosh I'm here until 2 October or something... It'll be good though, when i get back I will be so freaking excited my head might explode.

Good luck with the painting, lol.


At 4:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and the painter is happy ?


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