Thursday, October 05, 2006

The street cleaning vehicle just careened by at about 35 mph. Wahoo. They've quit jackhammering the sidewalk in front of the school down the street, at least for today. The weather is glorious and I'm looking for something edifying to put on this blog. In the meantime, here comes the street cleaner down the other side -- 6 feet from the curb, brushes spinning up all manner of crap into the air. A little water with that brushing might help send that debris toward the gutter. . . and someone downstairs has a little dog that barks all day long. I thought about calling the police and reporting dog-torturing so they'd come and get the critter, but didn't. When you stay home and work online you turn into a crackpot. Wait! Vessko began practicing and the little dog became quiet. . . . well, for a minute. And here comes the garbage truck. I've got to get a real job. Bisous à Marianne-d'aix!

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  • Gee. Where do you suppose I'd like to be right now?


    At 3:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    OK ! merci
    nice blog et beautiful pictures and very good idea !
    sure i like !
    see you !


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