Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Night Before Halloween

Coming back from CNR last night, I crossed the street, and walked to the bus stop. Quiet night.
As I waited, 2 large SUVs collided at the intersection and flew up onto the very curb where I'd been standing with another person -- car doors, hoods, and side panels peeling back like crushed paper. Awesome.
Luckily, no one was standing there at the time -- and no one seemed to be injured in either SUV.
A very old woman beside me started yelling about how "they give those drivers' tests in 11 different languages!"
The bus came and all was well.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sweet Tired Cat

While I agonize over what I'll write about Masonic's CD -- the one with the excellent cover -- this will cheer you up.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

DJ Masonic & Bridget's cover art. More later . . . . after I listen to the whole CD.
Soundcheck October 6, 2006

Friday, October 06, 2006

Studio Museum & Rosa Parks Campus

The College of New Rochelle, Rosa Parks Campus, above the Studio Museum of Harlem.

Santa? Baby Jesus? The Antichrist?

  • The End of the World As They Know It

  • What do Christian millenarians, jihadists, Ivy League professors, and baby-boomers have in common? They’re all hot for the apocalypse.
    By Kurt Andersen

    Okay. Enough. Time for a sauna, a swim,

    . . . and a brownie. Why are there no people in these pictures?

    Thursday, October 05, 2006

    The street cleaning vehicle just careened by at about 35 mph. Wahoo. They've quit jackhammering the sidewalk in front of the school down the street, at least for today. The weather is glorious and I'm looking for something edifying to put on this blog. In the meantime, here comes the street cleaner down the other side -- 6 feet from the curb, brushes spinning up all manner of crap into the air. A little water with that brushing might help send that debris toward the gutter. . . and someone downstairs has a little dog that barks all day long. I thought about calling the police and reporting dog-torturing so they'd come and get the critter, but didn't. When you stay home and work online you turn into a crackpot. Wait! Vessko began practicing and the little dog became quiet. . . . well, for a minute. And here comes the garbage truck. I've got to get a real job. Bisous à Marianne-d'aix!

  • Keith Haring Kids

  • Provence Web et photos

  • Aix photos et rues

  • Photos d'aix

  • Gee. Where do you suppose I'd like to be right now?

    Monday, October 02, 2006

    Bridget comes back from California today -- the part of the state with tarantulas. Critters too ugly for display here, in my opinion, but posters for bad movies are never out of place. Pindi visited Thursday through Sunday. Her super-tech cell phone has mysterious icons. Hence, no photos. Check Garan's Journal on his Kyoto trip!

    Oh, those Germans . . .

  • Monstrula